Sunday 16 August 2020

Early autumn migrants

On Saturday 15th August with north- east winds and a misty start, I started just after 6am at Ness Point, plenty of Kittiwakes flying past at least c300 seen, a Grey Seal was poking its head out of the water and pointing its head vertically up. A group of 6 Gannets flew north (5 ads and 1 immature) and a further 2 adult Gannets flew north and that was it. After 40 minutes I looked round the local area, North Denes, Corton OSW and saw precisely nothing! A look around Corton Station road playing field, 2 juvenile Collared Doves were seen in a bush. A tweet from James W and I walked around Gunton ORT and heard a Ring- necked Parakeet calling over the Gunton woods area, walking back in an Oak 2 Pied Flycatchers seen, 1 was a particularly vocal and areasonably showy bird as I was setting up to take its pic, a dog walker appeared from nowhere (actually Dip farm and a path cut in from there just by the Oak and flushed it, so frustrating! A walk on the evening on the North Denes and I saw c40 Greenfinch near Links Road car park bushes and by the dead Alexanders just north of the Oval, 2 Whinchats were seen plus by the Shrike bramble, a family of Stonchats, adult male, female and a juvenile bird. Whilst out to see on the groynes, 1 in particular had 22 Kittiwake (all adults) and 12 Sandwich Terns (10 adults and 2 immatures).

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