Sunday, 6 October 2019

Tricky Yellow- brows

On Thursday 3rd September after work, I went to Gunton cliff, saw around 15 Long- tailed Tits but no YBW for me. Intriguingly, I heard a distant "tsuip" strident call from the Dip Farm shelter belt, a quick search failed to reveal the Yellow- browed Warbler here. belthearing of 4 then 5 on the North Denes, I raced over there, sprinted to where Rob and Andrew was watching one bird zipping around in some tamarisk in the southern most shelter belt just north of the Oval, unfortunately my glasses steamed over and I saw a tiny olive both and white below warbler, which was the Yellow- browed Warbler, but unnoticeable for me as I didn't see any wing bars or super cilia because of my fogged glasses, it was obviously the bird and it flew to the cliff and called the distinctive sharp/ loud "tsp" which clinched it but not satisfactory views at all. I checked north along the Denes and Warren House wood, nothing so I went back. I heard 2 different "tsuip" calls from 2 separate area almost calling in unison meaning there were still 2 Yellow- browed Warblers on the Gunton cliff going to roost, but it was almost dark (approaching 6.30pm).

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