Saturday 15 June 2024

Minsmere eastern race Common Tern (longipennis)? & some close encounters!

On Friday 14th June after work, I went straight to Minsmere and from the South Hide, I was disappointed to see no sign of the Roseates or the putative Eastern Race Common Tern. A race I saw in China in 1999 but not seen by me in the UK, so I was keen to see it. There was a subdued summer plumaged Grey Plover and lots of Sandwich Terns at the back around 150 birds but no sign of the rarer Terns. I could see 2 birders scoping something intently from the East hide so I decided to walk around and join them. On the dunes I saw 3 adult male Stonechats all pretty obliging and a young immature Stonechat too near the Public Hide. I joined Jeremy & ian from Stowmarket who had seen 'The Tern' but it had flown off 5 minutes previously. We did see the subdued summer plumaged Grey Plover. Jeremy and Ian left. Ian had told me the bird would frequent the dried mud island directly in front off or to the left of the hide. I then saw a number of Terns settling on the island in front including several 5 Sandwich Terns and the Tern in question. Roughly, the size of a Common Tern with an obvious all black bill, black cap with a little white coming through on the forehead, it significantly showed very grey flanks in flight, the tail was slightly eclipsed by the closed wing and it short dull reddish legs. This was the putative Eastern race Common Tern 'Longipennis.' The bird sat on the right most flank of the island only flying when disturbed when it flew back, before even flying onto the closest post in the water giving superb views albeit with stormy gun metal battleship grey skies causing problems with the lighting for photography sadly. On leaving the reserve, I was driving down the entrance hill when amazingly, I saw a Badger literally scampering down the road, it body arched up in the middle as itran before it diverted left under the Rhodedendron bushes, my first ever live Suffolk badger! As I turned up the hill, I saw a female Sparrowhawk with a Dove, suspected Stock Dove fly right low over the road and I had to brake to stop hitting the bird as she flew directly across my path and at car bumper level and right out of sight still carrying her prey item with her. A short drive and I looked into the Stone Curlew field and I saw the fine Stone Curlew active at the top by some tall grass and it would walk right a little way then stop and then repeat the process.

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