Saturday 25 May 2024

Skin of the teeth!

On Saturday 25th May at around 8.30pm I checked the phone and I had forgotten I had switched the audible alerts off as I was in a meeting at work yesterday. There were several messages stating tfrom 4.59pm here was an RBS at Corton ORT, so by 8.45pm I was walking down the track to Corton cliffs, I met a a birder walking back said he'd just seen it but it had dropped out of view. Along the cliff top path, I walked north half way along so I could look back into the SE corner of the old sewage works. A Wood Pigeon and male Linnet were on view intially but no Shrike. Then literally a minute later the fine male Red- backed Shrike popped up in the Tamarisk bushes in the most south- easterly part of the Tamarisk looking into the compound before it dropped out of sight after 2 minutes, presumably into roost. I didn't see it again.

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