Saturday 18 May 2024

Angel of the Woods and finally an ID Dragonfly for 2024

On Saturday 18 May, I travelled into deepest Suffolk and at the usual site, I had to repark as the usual parking area had 3 lots of broken glass small square fragments indicative of side windows being smashed. I therefore parked the car just off the road and walked on to a group of 4 Butterfly Orchids. They were a little bit past their best but one or 2 flowers were still nice near the top of the plant so I concentrated my pictures on this area. A Blackcap was heard singing, too. I then travelled onto the Hen Reedbeds, unusual to see all the corrugated iron sheets/ mats moved and nothing except Ants were seen underneath. I walked over to the Quarry, no sign of any Garden warbler but I did see a fine Nightingale fly from the hedge across the road to the car park hedgerow, its ruddy reddish- brown tail which was really obvious as it flew over. The Nightingale had been previously singing from across the road. In a bramble hedge bordering the road, with a couple of small Oak trees a fine female Broad- bodied Chaser, flew in this was my first belated sighting of an identifiable dragonfly species this year! She posed well for the camera, especially as I only had my 100mm lens with me and not my dedicated 180mm macro lens for butterflies/ dragonflies, unlike a suspected male BB Chaser that flew off, it had a light blue abdomen, but not seen that well as it was a little further away and quickly flew off on closer approach.

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