Friday 17 July 2020

Probably the worst week of dipping, ever!

In a new low in my wildlife watching, a dreadful week dipping on everything meant, I missed 2 Suffolk ticks in a day, and both an avian and butterfly megabird. Not feeling like blogging until now, I managed to miss the Sooty Tern (a real megabuck I was particularly keen to see) at Sizewell, I missed it by only 10 minutes, on Wednesday 8th June having half a day off work, a Peregrine flying past Sizewell Power station wasn't enjoyed as much as I normally would. A calling Whimbrel flying south and c300 Kittiwakes on the rigs was the sum total of my trip. A trip to Carlton Marshes revealed some lovely Barn Owlets at a certain location lovely to see them out. A Greenshank on the pool by the new Tower hide but still no Night Heron. The following night I returned with my long lens, still no Night Heron, and this time the Owlets stayed inside the box, But a local family of Mute Swans was entertaining the local dog walkers! Several Barn Owls were hunting. On Wednesday afternoon 15 July, I tried for the Large Tortoiseshell at Strumpshaw Fen. wasn't sure which Cherry tree to concentrate on but checked all 3 especially the one by reception. But the overcast sky and recent rain shower meant conditions were completely against me. Several Blue Tits seen and a showy Heron by the Pool but that was it, another dip of a much wanted Butterfly. I then tried a location nearby for Turtle Doves that I always managed to see and hear but again no sign, there seemed to be an inordinate number of Wood Pigeons, c30, instead.

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