Sunday 11 March 2012

Friday 9th

Friday 9th March first stop Ness Point, a confiding Oystercatcher was seen on the rocks by the compass. The 6 Purple Sandpipers were on the rocks further along just north of the point. 1 Rock pipit was seen on the sea wall too. A Yellow- legged Gull was seen on the Hamilton Dock shoreline too. Driving to a local marsh, a pale Short- eared Owl seen flying over the field it then settled in the field and showed well and I was able to get within 30 yards of it. It then flew around hunting often turning and dropping to the ground, it then settled on a post. It flew up and down the dyke often hunting close by in the late afternoon sunlight. Saturday 10th March together with OFB we were treated to a repeat performance from the Short- eared Owl albeit in not such good light.

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