Sunday 3 December 2023

Divers in the mist!

On Saturday 2nd December, back at Lake Lothing in fairly foggy misty conditions, the visibilty waxed and wained sometimes you could view 150 metres away sometimes half that. Walking to Mutford Lock bridge, a fine Great Northern Diver was fishing and I made my way to the lower walkway, joining John B and family and was very fortunate to see the Great Northern Diver come even closer and I managed a couple of pics. Meanwhile looking beyond the railway bridge the fine Black- throated Diver could be seen but it soon swam east disappearing into the mist. Sadly, just too far away to photograph it. Jeremy G strolled up and saw both Diver species with me & we then saw Richard W who said the RTDiver was on Oulton Broad Dead End and could be viewed from either Caldicott Road or from the Commodore PH. We walked over to the picnic area of the Commodore, initially we couldn't see it but after 10 minutes I spotted swimming right in front of some boats. This fine Red- throated Diver then swam further west towards us before swimming back again and this completed seeing the set of all 3 relatively regular Diver species within 30 minutes, & the first time I have achieved this feat. I am pretty sure this is the first time all 3 Diver species have been seen in Lowestoft area at the same time! Walking back along Lake Lothing, I bumped into Kevin B and we saw a total of 6 Little Grebes on the water. A very enjoyable hour and a half spent in good company around this area!

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