Wednesday, 9 May 2018

More Misses than hits

On Tuesday May 1stt American Bittern seen in short (2 second!) flight from original dyke fl E for 30 yards at 8.10pm Carlton Marshes, Lowestoft this eve (it had been showing for 2 hours up until 10 mins before I arrived. Now spent 35 hours for a cumulative view of 2 mins & still no pics, typical! On Wednesday missed the Pied Fly at Leathes Ham, not able to park but saw 3 Reed Warblers 3 replies 1 retweet 10 likes. On Thursday May 4th the American Bittern flew around 7.15pm for 5 seconds but also heard calling. Following some particularly gruelling dental surgery I was too poorly to get out over the Bank Holiday. On Friday before the agony of dental surgery I had 2 short minutes to see 2 Green- Winged Orchids at Gunton Meadow On Saturday both Holly Blue & Speckled Wood seen in the garden, as I was recuperating after more dental surgery. On Monday 7 May, no sign of the Garganey on the "Gtr Yellowlegs" flash by the golf course but 2 Sand Martin seen and a Nightingale heard and seen briefly just west of Southwold sewage works at 11.15am. On Tuesday 7 May, the AB seen briefly in flight at 7.15pm for 3 seconds then heard calling, also usual Water Vole and one very close (but obscured) Barn Owl and 20 + 8 Black- tailed Godwit flew in. Now 39 hours for 2 mins and 11 second view of the AB still no usable pics. On Wednesday 9th May, the first Whitethroat heard calling from the roundabout by Capt Manby's as I left at 4.20pm.

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