Thursday, 8 January 2015

Good start turns sour

On Sunday 4th January I ventured down to Covehithe Broad and there was no need to look for the Shore Larks as there was already a battalion of the long lens brigade in attendance. I joined them and was pleasantly surprised that they all behaved themselves really well not hassling the birds or moving into close. The 3 fine Shore Larks were therefore constantly on view and very relaxed as they fed along the southern hotline of the broad, they flew a little way along the mid section of the beach side of the Broad and even went to sleep/ resting for half an hour. We wet all able to obtain reasonable shots what a difference good field craft makes. 3 trilling Snow Buntings flew round us briefly on the beach. A trip then to North Warren missing out Benacre Broad, which was a bad error as I didn't get to the see the Smew there and I dipped the LWF Geese again (I later learned they were in Holland on that day) and as usual dipped the near mythical Tundra Beans that I have never ever seen there. I counted 98 Black- tailed Godwit and around 122 White- fronted Geese and a further 40 White- fronted geese flew in. What was good to see was first one and then 2 Water Rails in the watery dyke bordering the west side of the path/ old rail way line. The second Water Rail was partially obscured you could see the ripples in the water where it was and as it moved first its bill, head, body and striped flanks were seen well on what is usually a very elusive bird to see.

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