Saturday, 3 January 2015

2015 New Year's Day more Dipping than Birding

Started at North Warren where I failed to see either the LWF Geese or the Tundra Beans. Lowestoft was little better initially where despite checking all 4 side of the Grain silo I failed to see any Peregrines. I went to Ness Point seeing it was low tide, I was pleasantly surprised to see 2 Purple Sandpipers on the shelf by the northern section of Ness Point. In the town at the back of Palmer's I saw and heard a calling Grey Wagtail fly over the rooftop and road, continuing my run of records for this species on my trips to the town. At Oulton Broad, no sign of the Glauc, but managed to see the Common Sandpiper wandering around the muddy southern section of the basin. A tweet from James B stating that the Glauc had flown in but not saying where, I went down to the Harbour didn't see it because I later found it was t OB!

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