Saturday 13 April 2013

Frog Orgy!

Early this morning I heard my first Chiff- Chaff singing from Fallowfields from the garden, long over due this year. Walking over to the garden ponds, I was delighted to see initially a Frog and Frogspawn in the fish pond. Eventually others appeared, with 1 couple on top of another were mating, as were a further 3 couples, it resembled a scene of an orgy in ancient Rome!! Paul McCartney would have been proud as there was a real frog chorus of croaking, no doubt in ecstasy! So there were a total of 8 Frogs all mating! Tearing myself away from this sexual promiscuity and feeling less voyeuristic, I spied 1 Peacock butterfly which simply flew east over the garden and not to be outdone a Small Tortoiseshell flew in and perched on a Primrose in the middle flower bed. In the wildlife pond, 1 and then 2 Frogs were seen (making a total of 10 Frogs between the 2 ponds) side by side, this pair at least I hope were saving themselves for later, perhaps?! A Siskin heard calling as it flew north west over the garden, although not seen. A trio of single Fieldfare which were seen, betrayed by their distinctive "chackling" calls flew over north west over the garden in quick succession.

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