Wednesday 3 August 2011

Red- backed Shrike again and Blackout!

Just after 7am this morning, I saw the Red- backed Shrike again, a fine male in full summer plumage with grey crown, black facial mask, reddish- brown back and pinkish flush to the chest.
A magnificent bird!
It spent time by the end bushes near its roost site and then hunted for insects and was seen to catch and promptly devour a beetle from a bush just north of the aforementioned bushes.
Also a Barn Owl flew across the field too.
This evening in the company of Jon E and Chris M we saw the Shrike again hunting from bushes a little further north from here, it caught several winged insects during the period of observation.
There was also a full power blackout in North Lowestoft at least including our house this evening between 9.20 - 10.20pm.

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