Thursday 11 April 2024

Estonia Birding trip: 3rd full day: another day of poor weather

On Wednesday 3rd April 2024, again at the Forest lodge accomodation another trip to the outside loo I again heard a Tawny Owl in the small hours. Early morning, a Redwing was heard and seen singing. A goldcrest was seen too. At ***** park, a prime area for Woodpeckers, the weather was again unking as it was snowing the habitat looked perfect for a range of different species of Woodpeckers, with holes seen in various tree trunks. By some trees, a Willow Tit flew out, then a Nuthatch was seen, Great Tit and Blue Tit was also seen. Several other nuthatches were seen, in a clearing I saw a Black Woodpecker flew past. Pursuing that bird we again saw it fly out of a wood and then over the road. Rob spotted 7 Waxwing which flew into the top of a tree. A great spot! At Audru Polder we saw a pair of Garganey that were flushed by a low flying White- tailed Eagle and in the fields a flock of c100 Tundra Bean Geese and also a similar sized 100 flock of White- fronted Geese. At a small town we stopped near va barn, where a female type Black Redstart flew across the road, we saw a Wheatear just beside the road and a few Fieldfare on a grassy lawn before a small footbridge. Also in fields a group of 50 Golden Plover seen too. Wigeon. We finally entered the wonderful famous Matsalu National Park area and we saw Wigeon, Teal and 3 White- fronted Geese at a viewpoint, where we parked the car for our last 2 nights accomodation, a wonderful place akin to. bird observatory complete with tower observation hide and viewing from our bedroom windows overlooking the extensive estuary litrally covered in bird life, sheer bliss. at Haesaa, a village, where our accommodation was, we saw 2 fine Bramblings by the feeders around 30 Siskin (1 sadly just taken by a visiting cat) and we walked from our accomodation to a neighbouring farm and we saw 2 close Grey Partridge fly off. As we drove through, we saw 2 Hawfinch and by a red net garden feeder incredibly, a Middle- spotted Woodpecker feeding, we stopped and had a good look at this bird, just my second ever and managed a few photos from distance. A Great spotted Woodpecker seen too. As we drove around the Haesaa fields not far from our accommodation we saw a fine Rough- legged Buzzard hunting over the fields. As we booked into our accommodation, there were 3 very close White- fronted Geese that was on a grassy marshy area and later on I was able to get to the roped path led up to a large rock, that very conveniently I was able to hid behind as I took a few pictures. We were unsuccessful in our search for Elk/ Moose.

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