Sunday 15 September 2024


On Sunday 15th September, in the afternoon, I drove over to Covehithe and walked down to Benacre Broad, where I counted 44 Large White on the walk down. On the Broad itself, there were lots of duck including many Wigeon, Gadwall and around 5 Pochard but intially I couldn't see the RC Pochard. After an hour of searching, I finally saw the eclipse male Red- crested Pochard at mid distance roughly NNW of the hide, with an obvious bright bubble gum pink bill, gre- brown dark cap and nape contrasting with pale cream white cheekd and a browner body. Meanwhile in front of the hide, the Greenshank was constantly sometimes close to the hide, closely followed by a Redshank. Later on a fine Green Sandpiper flew and and fed by the side of the pool. later on a large flock of 244 Barnacle Geese flew in and settled by the beach, Broad edge.

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