Friday, 28 July 2023

Common Scoter at Ness Point

On Friday 28th July a tweet about a close male Common Scoter at Ness Point, had me driving down just after 6.15pm, Andrew E drew up to and I hadn't spotted the bird but then saw it around a quarter of the way out, a fine male Common Scoter, black with distinctive black knob near the base of its bill and orange on the top middle of the upper mandible, I pointed it out to Andrew. It was initially overcast and the Roger drew up and now there were 3 cameras trained on the bird. The bird lifted itself up and flapped its wings and eventually the sun came out beneath the cloud and its was begiing its descent and the bird swam a little closer. I managed to get a few pics but it would have been really nice for it to have been really closer but very greatful for the illuminating sunlight. Before swimming back again. A flock of of its bretheren, 17 Common Scoter flew north (9 females and 8 females) and a succession of Kittiwakes flew south including several immature birds too.

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