Saturday 27 May 2023

Carlton Stilts

On Wednesday mid to late afternoon, on Wednesday 24th May, the long hard slog with big camera lens and I had a problemn with my tripod, specifically the Gimbel head. It kept falling off! Sadly the thread had gone. I met with Julie M at the styart of the bund just past the gate and as we were talking a fine Hare lollopped up the bank and started eating on the path in front of us, I had to handhold the heavy lens to get shots. I spent around 10. inutes before James B walked up and I eventually went around to join James B and Rene at the North Hide, I'd just missed the Stilts which had flown probably from the Turnpike Scrape over to the North Marsh. After 30 minutes or so rene left us, James B & were chatting and I suddely spotted the excellent pair of Black- winged Stilts (2nd record for Lowestoft & first ones at Calton since 2017) fly in from the left (north) they briefly alighted on Turnpike Scrape but the Avocets and Lapwings were really harrying them, the Stilts did initially feed before they flew south towards the Octagon hide area. They then flew back, but one Stilt was persistanly pursued by an aggressive Avocet and the pair flew north towards Haddiscowe marshes.

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