Saturday, 21 August 2021

At last! Ternfest along Lowestoft North beach & garden records

On 20 August, at 6.09pm, a very vocal "twitter-emitter" or the 7 note Whimbrel heard flying low over the garden flying south (not seen though). On Saturday 21 August, Lowestoft North beach this morning at around 7.30am, I drove down following a tweet from James B regarding a juvenile Black Tern. When I arrived James B was already there & Andrew E had just arrived. It was immediately apparaent there were a lot more Terns than usual I counted c240 Common Terns. James informed me the Black tern had flown off but fortunately I picked it out, the fine juvenile Black Tern perched on a post, 2 groynes south of the car park. When James B was testing on me on which bird was the juvenile Arctic on the groyne (easy James!) in front of us, I was delighted to pick out 2! Another was on a post (same groyne) opposite south of the other one so there were 2 juvenile Arctic terns in all, 2 Sandwich Terns, a Yellow wagtail flew over calling, 4 Swift seen flew south, and up to 7 Mediterenean Gulls, 2 winter adults and up to 5 immatures , 2 were hanging around and using the car as a mobile hide I got a few pics but the light wasn't as good as I thought it was!(inc. the one pictured underneath, plus record shots only of juveniles of both Black & Arctic Tern, sadly but inevitably the birds flew before I could get closer; scared off by dog walkers shouting along the shoreline). Plus John L pointed out a Carrion Crow and Magpie harrying a female Sparrowhawk along the Cliffe. Good to meet John L & his wife, John recently spotted a Booted E at Carlton fame, a fabulous record, also good to see Kevin B, David B & his wife too. at 9.55am a calling yellow Wagtail flew over the house and south. At 5.55pm just as the rain was starting, I saw a superb Great Spotted Woodpecker fly in to the tree on the far right, It was heavily obcured hopped up one of the branches and then it flew south calling "tschiick" First record of one seen in the garden.

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