Monday 2 August 2021

American waders at Minsmere

On Sunday 1st August, I drove down to Minsmere, joing Nick & his wife by the pond, we walked over to the Esat hide and saw 7 Spotted Redshanks (now going into winter plumage), one bird was right in front of the East hide for a while whilst 3 were on the North Scrape anbd 3 grouped together on the southern end of the East scrape. Small wadres included 7 Common Sandpipers, 3 Green Sandpipers and 1 Wood Sandpiper all at the North end of the Scrape at the back. ASt least 1 Little Ringed Plovers seen as well as the more ubitiqious c30 Black- tailed Godwits. Walking to the public hide, we joined Ali R who said the fine White- rumped Sandpiper, a smaller bird than accompanying group of 4 Dunlin and browner immature bird, compared to the adult seen previously. Often a Dunlin would chase it. I scanned the Common terns no sign of Roseate (that would turn up later when i had gone) Going back to the East hide, on the report of the Pec being seen. Still no sign when we arrived, until Carl said he had it it flew out from behind the islands just north of post 6 and showed showing distinct elongated shape sharp division between breast (streaked brown)and chest (white) of the fine Pectoral Sandpiper always nice to see.

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