Saturday, 22 May 2021

Back to Cymisfael stream

On Tuesday 18th May, in the morning, back at Cymisfael stream I saw 2 Dippers on the stream a third of the way down from Llanddarg end but the white striped post, when the Dipper flew in with food to the near bank lots of squawking heard so confident there is a nest on the near bank. 2 Bullfinch seen flying over the road between the brdiges, a male Blackcap seen foraging by the weeds by the Dipper bridge and Whitethroat heard by the meadow opposite the second bridge. Drving back up the hill, a fantastic female Pied Flycatcher flew down from the wood and settled on the road for a second before flying back! A first record of the area for me. A look in the woods opposite Llethr Llestri Lodge (where Mum) used to live. Mum had said she had seen Early Purple Orchids in this wood years previously but I'd always been to late looking for them (usually going to Wales in July, May ws almost perfect timin to look for these) As I entered the wood from the first path leading through on the right, success as I refound Early Purple Orchids, 12 in total seen, 9 seen just by the edge of the path just as you go in and 3 they were slightly past the best and looking down a path bisecting down to the right a further 3, including a pale individual.

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