Thursday 20 June 2019

Red- veined Darters at Gunton burial ground

On Thursday 20th June, a tweet from James W to said Nick had found 2 Red- veined Darters at Gunton Woodland burial led me to ringing James W who was still there and agreed to kindly wait ten minutes so I could drive over. Ten minutes later, just on the east side of the burial field, James was crouching down by a lovely strip of Cornflowers and I saw my first Male Red- veined Darter of the year, perched on the top of a Cornflower, the sun came out and it whirred its wings and then flew a short distance to another Flower. James went further down the line and saw 1, whilst I saw a definite 2 Male Red- veined Darters almost together, so probably 3 Male Red- veined Darters in all. Nick B arrived with his scope and we had great views of 1 male in particular, usually perched on the far side of the Cornflower strip. It was really nice to see both Alan & Edwina B and we all managed get a few shots of this fine insect from the Mediterranean. We left it as it was clouding over but as I was walking back to the car, brilliant sunshine illuminated the field and I went back, the obliging male Red- veined Darter was still there and very carefully, without disturbing it, I took several pictures of it, sadly a sudden totally unexpected shower (it was really sunny and seemingly not a cloud in the sky) forced the fine Male Red- veined Darter to fly a little way north where it perched in a shrub, I left it there, as it may have been going to roost.

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