Thursday 29 August 2013

Shrike duo at Lowestoft this evening

A wonderfully sunny evening on Thursday 29th August just after work had me out on the North Denes and the Red- backed Shrike was sat on the middle of the west side of the usual big bramble bush just north of the Oval. The Shrike sat there dozing for a while before gently waking up looking around, up and to the side and then it eventually woke up and flew to a different bramble branch and promptly caught an insect. A little later, the Shrike could be seen coughing up a pellet in its throat. Some dog walkers made the bird even more alert and it flew to the top of the bramble standing sentinel. At Ness point seeing Andrew E and the Rob Wil, there was no initial sign of the other Red- backed Shrike eventually looking from the sunlite western side, the Red- baked Shrike was seen eventually perched along a line of elderberry bushes and sycamore in the middle of the yard just west of some orange metalwork in the yard. The Shrike was very active catching at least 3 insects sometimes perched at the side, top and back of the bushes, showing on and off.

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