Monday, 11 January 2010

Still 5 Redwings

There are still 5 Redwings in the garden today. During the early morning, 3 were either regular flying over to the Holly bush or feeding on the apples on the lawn.
At lunchtime Jen told me there were all 5 of these dainty Thrushes feeding on the discarded apples. My strategy has worked (of putting out apples on the lawn in the hope of attracting some winter Thrushes, although we haven't been able to entice a Fieldfare into the garden yet, although they have been regular over-flyers during the recent cold spell) and I hope they stay until at least we get some better light, so I can photograph them in less murky conditions. Already I can truthfully say they have been one of my personal avian highlights of the year so far, super birds, and as the Brucie might say, my favourite!

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