Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Meagre Pickings!

On Saturday, a visit to Leathes Ham, Normanston Park in the hope of  seeing a Ring necked Parakeet were dashed when I didn't see it. The last one I saw in Lowestoft was in July 2007 which flew over the back garden! It was nice to see single plants of Common Spotted and Southern Marsh orchid at this site. Lets hope more flower next year. A visit to a Waveney Valley site on the Sunday revealed little save for a Grass Snake crossing the path and safely entering the dyke running parallel to it, without any mishap.
Hearing hot news from Colin on the location of some Slow Worms, a Snake-like legless Lizard that I had always wanted to see in the UK, I followed his excellent directions. Which were to walk along the path by the dyke and near the railway cutting I soon located the tin lifted it up and (drum roll.....) underneath it was...nothing! Disappointing to say the least!
On popping in to Tesco Express near Carlton Marshes, I saw a rather unfortunate squashed Pine Hawk Moth on the floor (it wasn't me that had trodden on it!) I've never seen a live one of this species and it would make a nice picture, needless to say I didn't take a picture of the corpse.

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