Thursday, 14 May 2009

More Black Terns

A stop off at the idyllic Filby Broad, in Norfolk after working at Martham in the early evening was very productive revealing 4 fine Black Terns hawking over the water. They spent much of their time at the back of the Broad and often high up in the sky, but a very welcome sight nonetheless. Later on they flew up even higher and away and out of sight.
These migrants have been blown in by the recent spell of easterly winds that we have experienced and follows on from the one I saw flying south off Corton Cliffs yesterday evening. Several Common Terns sat on the rafts provided as artificial nesting sites, and 1 of their number also flew over the Broad.
A rather dark plumaged and confiding Great Crested Grebe vied for my attention, however that was soon diverted onto excellent telescope views of a dashing Hobby flying low over the water obviously feeding on dragonflies and the myriad other insects. I was very pleased to finally see Hobby this Spring after several unsuccessful attempts, now I just want to get that elusive photograph of one now! 

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