Sunday 9 July 2023

Elusive Ring- neck but nevertheless a good Carlton Marshes visit

On Saturday 8th July, looked from the Spider bridge, aagin no Spiders. I walked down to Peto's as I approached the first gate along the bund, incredibly I could see a juvenile Cuckoo perched on it, it was looking into the light and I wanted to carefully manoeuvre round by going down the bank in order not to disturb it. I looked around and as is always the case, someone was coming down close behind me, this time an an elderly jogger and he did stop but was reluctant to wait, he flushed it but fortunately it flew down the bank to posts just along the southern edge and I managed a couple of shots before it carried on towards Whitecast marsh. Further along the bund, a Hare ran out from the side and ran down the path away from me! From the part of the marsh looking along from the western bund, I saw 3 Black- tailed Godwits feeding on a watery scrape and walking down to North Hide I met a birder who had just seen it saying it was in eclipse and it had been in the dyke before North Hide but was swimming towards it. When I arrived, I saw a Pochard and a striking beetroot brown coloured female Wigeon but the male eclipse Ring- necked Duck was very elusive mainly hiding behind islands and was distant but I did see it on 3 occasions as it swam between the islands. 3 Common Terns seen on an island also plus 2 Swift overhead, I walked back along the Whitecast Marsh in the hope of seeing the juv Cuckoo again, I didn't but an adult Cuckoo did fly out and away from me. Plus a Barn Owl was hunting over the marsh too.

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