Sunday 9 July 2023

Triple Emperors!

On Saturday, in mid Suffolk it was good to meet up with Sam & Tim and the Purple Emperors put on a good show, with at least 4 seen, flying around the tops of trees and then settling on the ground initially on a piece of dog's dirt but lack further down the track. They had a pot full of Emperor Moth larvae, with at least 5 caterpillars, quite big and green with the males showing black ring bands and the females didn't. A walk down the ride just before the High seat, where a Bees nest was seen, revealed an Emperor Dragonfly going up and down the ride. By the pond, Sam Tim & saw a Silver- washed Fritillary too. and what looked like a Migrant Hawker back where the Purple Emperors were. A Purple Hairstreak flew past us and settled over to the tops of trees, a Ringlet seen, plus Essex Skipper and Small Skipper and a Red Admiral on the track too.

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