Sunday 10 April 2022

PGP again

On Saturday 10th April, on an initially sunny evening I walked down to Peto's Marsh again at Carlton Marshes, I could see 116 Golden Plovers at the back of Turnpike Marsh and walking around I joined Rob H who just refound/ relocated the splendid Pacific Golden Plover in amongst the flock. Typically quite diminute appearing more slender and around 2/3 the size of the larger plumper Golden Plovers. It had a longer leg length particularly above the knee. It had a more spangly back with more white dots sprinkled around its back. The head showed a golden yellow supercilia curling around the back of the ear coverts and a black splodge at the rear of the ear coverts. It showed more black on its breast subdivided by a whiter margin around that and the back. It was bang in the middle of the Golden Plover flock with several in full summer plumage finery. After cloud blanked out the sun the flock flew a lot closer in front of the water and showed reasonably well albeit in poor light. Pintails and Wigeon were again seen plus a wonderful Swallow, my first of the year flying left. It was nice to get a few record shots of the PGP finally.

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