Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Thorpeness Meare goodies

On Monday 30th December, I drove down to Thorpeness Meare, parking was very tight but I maaged to reverse park in a tight space (glad I had the rear parking sensors fitted!) I walked down to the Meare and immediately saw a group of 9 Goosanders (6 males and 3 females)swimming at the back in front of of the island, whilst just right of them was the splendid male Ring- necked Duck, which was constantly diving it raised up on its haunches wobbled from side to side before diving. It repeated this feeding motion constantly and was on view all the time save when it was underwater of course! It was typically bobble crowned and in very smart plumage. The Goosanders swam right and out of sight round the side. A male Pochard seen too.

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