Sunday, 5 November 2023

Aurora Borealis/ the Northern Lights- from Link's road car park, Lowestoft

On Sunday 5th November, just after 7pm, hearing that people were seeing the Aurora Borealis/ the Northern Lights locally, Roger C suggested trying Link's rd car park, that was a great idea! So I drove down there and looking due NNE I could see a very obvious creamy glow just above the horizon and also a bit of pink over the sea, seen with the naked eye. I was joined by Rene and his daughter Eden and she had an iphone with night mode and took a fantastic shot of the scene which really emphasised the pinks and greens, far more than you can see with the naked eye. My phone camera failed miserably. My especial thanks to Eden & Rene B who kindly allowed me to publish this shot. (PHOTO REPRODUCED BY VERY KIND PERMISSION OF EDEN BAPTISTE)

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