Friday 30 December 2022

Festive Waxwings

On Christmas Day, Sunday 25 December, a tweet from Mark E stating there were some Waxwings at Burnt Hall Way had me driving over but initially I couldn't see any sign of them, I checked all the usual haunts nearby including the Co-op car park along Hollow Grove Way (the 3rd lot I have found/refound in as many weeks!) and sure enough 5 Waxwings were briefly seen on a tree just SE of the car park at 11.18am, the only problem was they flew off! I drove back to Burnt hall way and all 5 Waxwings, which were safely back on the much berried Rowan in someone's garden from 12.10pm onwards, opposite Kestrel Green. They perched at the top of the tree and then would make the very short flight to the lower branches to gobble the berries! A small crowd had gathered too and I remained watching the birds from the car, as it was overcast and I didn't want to disturb the birds.

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