Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Swans at Westleton, Gulls at Covehithe

Another disappointing weekend weather wise with high winds gain, on Saturday 19th February I was keen to revisit the wild swans at Lymballs Lane especially as they had been reported close to the road. By the time I got there, having first checked Lake Lothing (seeing very little) The Swans had moved back and the Whoopers were so distant and ina dip, I could only see 5 birds. The Bewick's Swans were also distant but I could see all 8 birds. Back at Covehithe I scanned the field behind the Church and saw both a wp adult Mediterranean Gull and an adult Yellow- legged Gull with greyer back and yellow legs, obviously. Nice to see the Fergusons too.

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