Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Bean Geese at Bradwell

On Monday 26 December, Boxing Day, on the drive back home between Dewberry and Reading just west of the M4, a Red Kite was seen. having stopped at a lyby and checked my phone just after Ipswich, news of Bean geese being seen by Burton's Farm, Bradwell on the A143 just west of Bradwell, I diverted my journey back home via Beccles and Bradwell. As I drove along the A143 I could seen around 60 Pink- footed Geese in flight. Parking up along the A143 on the opposite side of the road to the field alongside Ricky's car. I looked across and confirmed they were Pink- foots, Ricky didn't have any Beans in sight, but as I was setting up, he had expertly picked out one recently landed bird along the left hand end of the flock. We also spotted another 5 further into the flock and directly in front of the blue road sign and a further 8 Bean geese directly in front of goal in the field. So 14 Rossicus Tundra Bean Geese seen in total, my first in 7 years. Plus a smaller bird (just in from the left hand end of the flock) with orange legs back on eventually proved to be a White- fronted Goose when it turned around sporting black scalloping on the belly and the white facial shield. More Geese were joining and we estimated around 340 Pink- footed Geese.

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