Thursday 27 April 2023

Night Herons at Lound

On Monday 24th April, there were 48 messages on my Whats App app on the phone which I only checked when i got home after a particularly busy day at work, I quickly grabbed my optics and camera gear and rushed up to Lound Lakes. I drove into the crowded car park, there was one space left and there were people staring across the water at the bushes on the farside of the lake. I joined them, Roger was there and partially obscured on a branch just above the lake was an excellent Night Heron, a long awaited personal first for Suffolk. It walkeda little to the left and became even more obscured. My cue to now go along to the boardwalk and join the throng, there were 12 people here but space enough to see a fine Night Heron perched high up in a bush looking at us head on, it occasionally moved and latter preened shook its wings. Andrew E was there and Chris D joined us and Chris and I moved into position to get some shots although the light was poor and trying to get a good shot with people moving on the boardwalk a lot, proved tricky. Eventually I walked back and one of the Night Herons was seen in a busgh closer just above the level of the lake, then suddenly it flew, the other bird joined it and one of them "croaked" and flew over us and flew higher in a south- east direction. TBC

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