Sunday 18 December 2022

Christmas starts here!

On Saturday 17th December, I gave Jenny a lift to Hollingsworth road PO to pick up an undelivered parcel and over the past few weeks I have been checking locations in North Lowestoft for Waxwings and as we were driving back, a detour over to Westhall road (a known Waxwing haunt in previous years), I hit the jackpot as I could see 13+ Waxwings perched in a tree just on the left hand side of the road. We drove back home, I let everyone know via social media and then went back with the camera to get some pictures. James W soon joined me and together we counted up to 23 birds! The birds were perched in a tall tree just south of Westhall road and would periodically (every 15- 20 minutes fly over to the tree where I had originally found them and then fly across the road to gorge on the berries by the Rowan tree opposite. Later on they perched in a tree just east and just west and later they would regularly fly over to the Rowan on the corner by Wisset Way. Up to 5 Lapwings flew over too and 2 Redwings in the Rowan and 4 Redwings in a more distant tree.

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