Saturday 14 August 2021

Banksy crabbing at Cromer

On Saturday 14th August, after half an hour at Gunton cliff, seeing just 4 Common Terns on the groynes, I drove up to Cromer, having worked out where the Banksy crab art was at Cromer, having been thwarted going on Wednesday as I wasn't entirely sure where the artwork was (& it was very hot too 28 degrees!). I was just finishing off my breakfast at Asda carpark and I had a very welcome call from fellow banksy enthusiasts, the Fergusons, they were going to and we arranged to meet up at the end of The Warren, Cromer just off Overstrand road. After quite a long wait to fill up the car, I was finally on my way and rang Paul & Jane when I reached Overstrand road (parked up as Cromer was absolutely jam packed, Jane assured me there was a space they would save at The Warren, and I was only 2 minutes away, I drove up and rendezvoued with them. At the end of the Warren we turned left took the steps down the cliff and turned right past the beach huts immediately beyond was a concrete wall at right angles projecting towards the sea and more importantly a small appreciative crowd of people! We joined them at the fine Banksy artwork.

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