A tweet saying there was a juvenile Cuckoo on the North denes slope had me haring down to Links road car park and an initial look was unsuccessful, but I was fortunate enough to bump into Bill H and after haf an hour without success we said our goodbyes. This was a little premature as Bill called me back and said he though he had it flying low towards the group of sycamore on the bank just north of the Oval. Bill volunteered to go and have a look and five minutes I saw swoop out low like a brown and falcon, settle for a millisecond ina sycamore bush before flying up and settling in dead bush near the top. The
juvenile Cuckoo, really was a fabulous bird, the first ever that I have seen, which is really surprising considering all the time I spent down on Fisher Row seeing many adults. It had abrown back, bib and cream breast and underparts. After 10 minutes sitting in his bush it then flew down and perched near the top of umbellifers near the bottom of the slope. One slight problem, a dog was approaching me but the quick intervention of Bill and the kind co-operation of the dog walker meant the dog was restrained and I was able to approach the Cuckoo albeit with just the handheld camera and lens and managed a few shots of it before a magpie flushed it and appeared to settle in a sycamore before it flew back a little way and disappared out of sight again. Also seen earlier were several
Swallows c15,
4 House Martins and
1 Swift flying low over the North Denes my first in ages!
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