Thursday, 27 April 2023

Night Herons at Lound

On Monday 24th April, there were 48 messages on my Whats App app on the phone which I only checked when i got home after a particularly busy day at work, I quickly grabbed my optics and camera gear and rushed up to Lound Lakes. I drove into the crowded car park, there was one space left and there were people staring across the water at the bushes on the farside of the lake. I joined them, Roger was there and partially obscured on a branch just above the lake was an excellent Night Heron, a long awaited personal first for Suffolk. It walkeda little to the left and became even more obscured. My cue to now go along to the boardwalk and join the throng, there were 12 people here but space enough to see a fine Night Heron perched high up in a bush looking at us head on, it occasionally moved and latter preened shook its wings. Andrew E was there and Chris D joined us and Chris and I moved into position to get some shots although the light was poor and trying to get a good shot with people moving on the boardwalk a lot, proved tricky. Eventually I walked back and one of the Night Herons was seen in a busgh closer just above the level of the lake, then suddenly it flew, the other bird joined it and one of them "croaked" and flew over us and flew higher in a south- east direction. TBC

Carlton Marshes

22nd April- a trip to Carlton Marshes, no sign of the EYW but lots of sand Martins seen plus 3 House Martins and eventually 3 Swallows too. I did see 2 male Garganey on the North scrape looking from North hide, a singing Sedge Warbler briefly flew up and then down again. A Grey Plover in winter plumage and a confiding Chinese water deer when i walked back at the viewpoint overlooking the old scrape from the main track.

Another dead Mustelid

WARNING DEAD STOAT PICS FOLLOW THIS POST On Sunday 16th April, my trip to Sotterley was cut short as I had a migraine starting but driving back opposite the A12 Kessingland levels layby I noted a dead Mustelid, I stopped the car and discovered it, it proved to be a freshly dead Stoat, coupled with the recent discovery of 2 dead Polecats this area sadly has become a bit of a Mustelid killing zone recently.

Early Purple Orchids and Snake's Head Fritillaries at Sotterley

On Sunday 16th April, Jane F kindly informed the first few early Purple Orchids were out along the usual track and I saw about 5 plants out although the light wasn't for decent pictures, however several Snake's Head Fritillaries seen flowering along a road side verge opposite a farm slightly further along were in a much better position to be photographed with the afternoon light. As I drove back a Fieldfare flew up from the grassy verge and settled in the hedge but was gone when I went back to have a look.

Green-veined White in the garden

On Sunday 16th April, a fine Green-veined White was spotted in the back garden and showed reasonably well even staying long enough for a couple of shots taken.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Butterflies Galore (briefly!)

On Saturday 15th April, I was stuck indoor DIY as the shower rail had fallen off a couple of days previously and it was an obvious priority to get a new one fixed. Taking a break at lunchtime, first a Large White butterfly, then a Comma butterfly briefly settled on the flowers by wooden trellice, then both a Red Admiral and Peacock were seen briefly settled on the grass near the middle flowerbed. Finally and best of all a super lemon yellow Brimstone settled by the flowers near the trellice but had gone by the time I retrieved my camera. The Brimstone is our first in the garden since May 2020 (really the last year before Badger built the appalling estate behind us). Funnily enough we are rivalling Carlton Marshes no less for the number of butterflies species seen (they will soon surge way ahead though!). Plus these were my very belated first butteflies seen this year.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

3 Wheatears in the Compound

After work on Tuesday 11th April, at 5.30pm, I saw 3 fine Wheatears in the compound-at Lowestoft North denes opposite the Oval, my first of the year, 2 females and a 1st year Male that were sheltering from the vicious wind, sheltering in the south east corner nothing else seen at the Net posts or Ness Point though.

Bank Holiday Blues another Large Tortoiseshell dip

On Monday 10th April, still feeling rough from my recent flu a little better I ventured out early afternoon after the rain had finally stopped. I looked at a very nice area Black Heath an SWT reserve and although it was sunny, I failed to see the fantastic find of a Large Tortoiseshell butterfly (a butterfly I'd love to see and photograph) found by Jane & Paul F the previous day, despite excellent directions from Jane parking by the wooden chalets crossing the road and walking down a track with the wooden chalets to the right I did not see any butterflies, a nice heather area with corregated iron rectangles were duly lifted and 1 Field Vole was seen under one plus Kestrel hunting on the Common.

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Dark-edged Bee Flies in garden

Having been laid very low by a very nasty flu bug, for several weeks, on Thursday 6th around Corton OSW, a Muntjac Deer seen in the field just north of the pond wood and Chiff-Chaff 2 heard and 1 seen in trees by the ditch just west of the OSW compound but little else. On saturday 8th April, I have been cheered by the appearance of up to 2 Dark- edged Bee Flies on Wednesday 5th but also late afternoon Saturday 8th April in our Parkhill garden. Hope to be back birding again tomorrow.